Lindsay Lohan, despite her wish to never do a sex scene on the silver screen, has let Chris Silverton, the director of “I Know Who Killed Me,” coerce her into taking her career to the next level - a very sexual level. According to M&C,
“At first I was like ‘I can’t do this, I’m getting my leg cut off I don’t want to look like that in scenes, I want to look decent!’
“But that was just me being young and stupid। And I have my first sex scene in it, which I always said I wouldn’t do.
“I wanted to do this movie so people can see that I’m a f***ing actress and I’ve been doing it forever and it’s about time people see that। It felt so good to really get to act.”
Given the route of Lindsay Lohan’s personal life, a sex scene is just fitting, in my opinion. Now, just if she were drunk, doing coke off a toilet seat, and getting railed in this “sex scene,” it would almost appear as an accurate representation of her life in the most exaggerated circumstance. However, before my imagination gets too carried away, Lindsay Lohan is a fine, young, lady, who is going to win an Oscar someday. Right?