Not 100% accurate, Nevertheless, very entertaining.
→ 15% of priests and nuns break their vows of chasity।
→ A 15 year old girl in Mississippi can marry without parental consent,but must wait a year to legally have sex with her new husband।
→ The vast majority of men come within six minutes of penetration।
→ Spanish Fly, the most famous of all supposed aphrodisiacs, is a mild poison made from dried beetle, and “works” by irritating the uro-genital tract। Over-comsumption can lead to scarring of the urethra, or even death.
→ JFK lost his virginity to a $3 hooker।
→ Pre-marital sex was illegal in Connecticut until the late ’60s।
→ For centuries, the Catholic church declared “man on top” the only acceptable position for sex। Its called missionary position because missionaries were to teach it as part of their efforts to “civilize” non-Christian races.
→ Receiving oral sex is No। 1 on American males’ sexual top 10, with straight intercourse, threesomes, and groping in the top 5.
→ During the ’70s, there was a rash of Thai women cutting off their drunk husband’s member and feeding it to their farm animals। So epidemic was the crime that Thai men were often heard leaving their friends at the bar with “I’d better get home, or teh wife will give the pigs a snack.”
→ Americans spend more money on peep shows and strip clubs then all forms of legitimate theater, Broadway, classical music, opera, and jazz combined।
→ Sex with a woman is the third most common fantasy for gay men।
→90% of men were happy with their first sexual encounter as opposed to 66% of women.