A couple of days ago, I was telling you that no matter what Lindsay does and disregarding the many new things she learns every single day of her important life, there is only one that doesn't seem to stick to her: the importance of bras. Apparently, she is still living under the impression that brassieres are some kind of evil device concocted by a yet more devilish mind, meant to make women's lives a living hell.
Lindsay dear, wearing a bra will not make your soul go away! Or, there is yet another possibility for which she might not be too fond of this underwear garment: it could be that her religion prevents her from wearing a bra. Of course, this is a totally unadvised and not at all documented opinion but, who knows?, worse things that this one have been seen and heard of.
Anyway, it's useless to torment our brains with this question since Lindsay is, like always, one step ahead of us: she went shopping and she got herself a brand new bra. Logically, this is something that every woman out there does on a regular basis but, with our favorite actress, things stand differently: not being a bra fan and acquiring one for the first time, she also wanted YOU to see what she has done. So this is why we now have photos of Lindsay with her shirt half-buttoned and her bra showing.
Yes, you can call me narrow-minded, but this outfit is not of the kind you can wear with your bra showing and no amount of unbuttoning of the shirt can justify it. This is an obvious attempt at getting your attention and, by the look of things, it's working just fine. Then again, maybe we're too hard with this blooming talent, this young and yet little experienced 'thespian'. After all, I too like to wear my panties around my ankles so why wouldn't she be allowed to wear her shirt unbuttoned down to her belly button? What's that you're saying? Of course she's sexy! Yes, classy too!