He Likes Girls with Brains:
“It’s really not about being that tall, perfect, blonde Amber girl. It’s about character. A girl should be really easy to talk to. I think it’s great at the end of the night when you look at your watch and you’ve been talking for hours.”
His Hero is John Travolta:
“He’s my idol. He’s too cool, man. He’s such a stud. When I met him, I was shaking in my boots. I learned a lot about professionalism from him.” [To mark the wrap of Hairspray, John gifted Zac with a pen.]
He Sucks at Basketball:
“I’m not very good at basketball.”
He ‘Died’ in a Car Accident:
“I read somewhere online that I had died — that was really wild. My friends were calling me up asking, ‘Dude, are you still alive?’ Just to set the record straight, I am very much alive.”
He Struck Out in High School:
“I was the short kid in high school. I was 5-foot-6 and I didn’t get much attention from the chicks. But as soon as I left and started working, then I started to grow up a little bit.”
He Loves Turtles:
As a kid, Zac played with Transformers, but his favorite toys were Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.
He’s a Terrible Cook:
“The only dish I can pull off is ravioli. I made it from scratch the other day. It took me five hours, but it tasted really good!”