Okay, so these don’t exactly register on the racy Richter scale on the same level that sex tapes do, but when you consider these shots were taken way back when Angelina Jolie was a mere 16 years old, they sound a little racier, don’t they? Back in the day, Angelina Jolie did a swimsuit spread at the shy age of 16 in a photo shoot that was shot by Sean McCall, and also videotaped. Yes, and in that video Angelina is modeling to none other than Marky Mark’s (Wahlberg) song of ‘Good Vibrations’. Now THAT will date a video faster than safety pinned jeans and neon bangles. So for fans of Angelina that are wondering how she got her start, it looks like it started as racy and sexy as it is today. Oh, and don’t forget to check out her “interview” chat in part 2 of the video… it looks more like the beginning of a low budget porn flick than anything else. It’s so lame, but interesting to see that her personality hasn’t changed much since then.