Rumor has it that Maria Sharapova and actress Camilla Belle are more than just friends. They keep showing up to each others’ events as the other’s “date.” At the premier of Camilla’s film 10,000 B.C., Maria was by her side. At Maria’s Sony Erickson event, Camilla was right there with Maria. And, the two did charity work together this weekend. Hmmm . . . two lipstick lesbians can totally play off their relationships a just a fun, girlie, supportive friendship or whatever their words of choice are, but I’m pretty sure that when you’re Maria Sharapova and you bring Camilla Belle to your events instead of a male date, the problem is not that you can’t get a guy to come with you but that you don’t want to. At any rate, here’s hoping that the rumors are true and that they are careless with any potential tape of their bedroom activities . . .