Who is behind the iPod

Apple Computers came out with their first computer on April 1, 1976. It was AppleI but this one did not go over very well, but when these two Steven Wozniak and Steven Jobs, created Apple II, the computer became a success. Over the years they produced quality computers and computer accessories, but began to notice less sales and public demand decreasing.

Then in October 2001, announced a non-computer product that would have them back on the top of charts once again. It was the iPod. The very first one, came with a large price tag but was a designed smart and was a great way to carry around your favorite tunes.

Apple iPod now creates some of the most popular iPod’s you can find all of which would be wonderful gifts for any occasion.

Apple has a variety of unique and original iPods to choose from and finding one that is perfect for you or a friend or even a family member will be as easy as browsing through their selection.

The iPod shuffle is one of the most unique iPods around. This is a flash MP3 player so it is great for anyone who is active and enjoys listening to music while jogging, rock climbing, or exercising. You will be listening to your own favorite tunes, but in a random order which is decided by the iPod. You never know which song will be coming up next. It can hold up to 240 songs and will play up to 3 hours of continuous music. Not only will you enjoy the great music and sound but you will also like the size. This cool iPod does not weigh any more than your car keys. Prices of the iPod Shuffle differ according to how many MB’s you prefer. For the 1GB iPod Shuffle you will find it for £99.00 and the 512MB is only £69.00.
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