A home-schooled teenager named Bree is heating up the internet like few others today। But is she for real? Or is she merely an actress, and if so, who are the people responsible for mounting the charade?
This Internet whodunit centers on 16-year-old Bree's "Lonelygirl15" online video diaries posted on sites such as YouTube and MySpace। They've caused a cyber-stir not seen since "The Blair Witch Project"
On YouTube, one of the most popular sites for amateur videos, 26,930 people are subscribed to the Lonelygirl15 "channel," meaning they regularly view videos posted there। More than 2।3 million people have viewed Bree's videos, according to YouTube.
The marketing theory surrounding Lonelygirl15 was bolstered when amateur sleuths uncovered that the name was trademarked recently by Encino attorney Kenneth Goodfried, who did not return a call seeking comment Monday
Web detectives also concluded that Bree's MySpace account was being controlled by someone using a computer at the Hollywood talent firm Creative Artists Agency An agency spokesman did not immediately return a call Monday.
And then came the announcement posted on the mock fan site Lonelygirl15 com stating that Bree was indeed an actress
Thank you so much for enjoying our show so far," said the note, signed only "The Creators" and addressed to "our incredible fans।"
"Right now, the biggest mystery of Lonelygirl15 is `who is she?' We think this is an oversimplification. Lonelygirl15 is a reflection of everyone. She is no more real or fictitious than the portions of our personalities that we choose to show (or hide) when we interact with the people around us."
Watch the video's here: LonelyGirl15 VIDEOS

On YouTube, one of the most popular sites for amateur videos, 26,930 people are subscribed to the Lonelygirl15 "channel," meaning they regularly view videos posted there। More than 2।3 million people have viewed Bree's videos, according to YouTube.
The marketing theory surrounding Lonelygirl15 was bolstered when amateur sleuths uncovered that the name was trademarked recently by Encino attorney Kenneth Goodfried, who did not return a call seeking comment Monday
Web detectives also concluded that Bree's MySpace account was being controlled by someone using a computer at the Hollywood talent firm Creative Artists Agency An agency spokesman did not immediately return a call Monday.
And then came the announcement posted on the mock fan site Lonelygirl15 com stating that Bree was indeed an actress
Thank you so much for enjoying our show so far," said the note, signed only "The Creators" and addressed to "our incredible fans।"
"Right now, the biggest mystery of Lonelygirl15 is `who is she?' We think this is an oversimplification. Lonelygirl15 is a reflection of everyone. She is no more real or fictitious than the portions of our personalities that we choose to show (or hide) when we interact with the people around us."
Watch the video's here: LonelyGirl15 VIDEOS