Director Shankar returns to Chennai today after a month long break abroad. With Sivaji creating box office history and the Superstar giving him the entire credit for the film's success, there is no stopping this talented director.
So what will Shankar create next? Well, as of now he plans to completely concentrate on the films being made under his banner 'S' Pictures. He will also be giving creative inputs to his in-house directors Balaji Sakthivel, and Simbudevan, who are busy making films for his production house.
But rumours are buzzing that Shankar is all set to start work on his ambitious project Robo, a science fiction movie set in Chennai in 3050. The movie will be shot completely on sets as it is a futuristic film and will involve a lot of computer graphics.
It is also heard that a major Bollywood production house, with whom Shankar has a commitment to make a film, has roped in Telugu financier and producer Tirupati Prasad as executive producer. Together they are planning to make the Shankar film in Hindi for a global audience. It is rumoured that the production house has obtained dates from Hrithik Roshan, who is very eager to do a film with Shankar.
Shankar had previously planned to make the film with Kamal Haasan in Tamil. But for a global audience, a Bollywood hero would ensure greater appeal.
It is also heard that a Hollywood studio has also shown interest in the film and wants to be the presenter of the film.
Whether this exciting combination will come together....well, we have to wait and watch.
So what will Shankar create next? Well, as of now he plans to completely concentrate on the films being made under his banner 'S' Pictures. He will also be giving creative inputs to his in-house directors Balaji Sakthivel, and Simbudevan, who are busy making films for his production house.
But rumours are buzzing that Shankar is all set to start work on his ambitious project Robo, a science fiction movie set in Chennai in 3050. The movie will be shot completely on sets as it is a futuristic film and will involve a lot of computer graphics.
It is also heard that a major Bollywood production house, with whom Shankar has a commitment to make a film, has roped in Telugu financier and producer Tirupati Prasad as executive producer. Together they are planning to make the Shankar film in Hindi for a global audience. It is rumoured that the production house has obtained dates from Hrithik Roshan, who is very eager to do a film with Shankar.
Shankar had previously planned to make the film with Kamal Haasan in Tamil. But for a global audience, a Bollywood hero would ensure greater appeal.
It is also heard that a Hollywood studio has also shown interest in the film and wants to be the presenter of the film.
Whether this exciting combination will come together....well, we have to wait and watch.